Sale of hair in bulk. How choose the best product?

21.10.2018 15:44 12

Sale of hair in bulk. How choose the best product?

Sale of hair in bulk is our specialization.
In the assortment of first our company, you can buy quality natural hair wholesale at the most attractive price. We offer goods from one donor, we have our own production and control the entire process, so that our customers receive the highest quality goods without overpayments.
Natural hair for the build-up and production of wigsBeautiful, long hair is the dream of any girl. To release this length requires a lot of time, effort, patience. You have to spend a lot of money on selection of care and wait more than one year.
But if you want to get a beautiful head of hair in just a couple of hours, then the best option is to build up or buy a wig.Our company specializes in selling quality cuts of natural hair. We select the best products throughout Ukraine and Russia. All sections are processed, laid manually and have certificates.
We offer slices:
1. Slavic curls.
2. South Russian.
3. Asian.
What is the difference between these types of raw materials
• Slavic curls are the most popular commodity for building procedures. This luxury segment, which is suitable for different types of hair, looks very impressive, natural and natural. Such strands can be built up repeatedly.
See the best russian hair in our website.
.• South-Russian sections are more affordable in value and are of Indian and Uzbek origin. Such raw materials are best for building on wavy hair.
• Asian. The most popular and budgetary category of raw materials. Such hair does not lose its natural appearance, suitable for long socks and have a very healthy appearance.
What our company offers At us you can pick up slices for different types of escalating.
We offer the widest palette of shades. No matter what type of raw materials you choose, our specialists will produce from them:
• Strands for capsular extension. We fix capsules from keratin of flat or rounded type;
• We produce strands for ribbon building. Reliably we glue the raw material onto the polymer tape;
• Prepare for you a machine or manual tresse;
• We also offer a wide selection of strands on the bar;
• Hair systems for the production of wigs.Call us right now and buy hair at the best price! Only natural products
If you have some questions - please write to my number +38(093)-150-16-51
We have always the best quality in stock. Lenght from 35 to 100 cm. Different texture and natural colors)))

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